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Verify Patient

Enter patient first and last name followed by the
patient date of birth to verify and locate the patient.
  • Please enter a First Name.
  • Please enter a Last Name.
  • Please enter a Date of Birth.
  • Please enter a Last Name.

Verify Patient

Enter patient Last Name followed by the
patient date of birth to verify and locate the patient.
  • Please enter a Last Name.
  • Please enter a Date of Birth.

Select Forms

Select the forms you would like the patient to
complete and click confirm to go into kiosk mode.
{{Loaderpercnt.toFixed(0)}}%done... Step {{cntpage}}: {{TopSectionTitle}}
Form {{CurrFormId}} Page {{PageNumber-1}}
  • Please enter a {{field.Name.replace('dd/mm/yyyy','')}}.
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}.
    {{field.Name}} Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}.
    Please enter a valid {{field.Name}} (MM/DD/YYYY). (success)
    Please enter a valid {{field.Name}} (MM/DD/YYYY). (success)
    Please enter a valid {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField1}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField2}}. (success)
    Please enter a valid {{field.SubField3}} (MM/DD/YYYY). (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField1}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField2}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField4}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField2}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField3}}. (success)
    Please enter a valid {{field.SubField4}} (MM/DD/YYYY). (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField5}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField6}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField7}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField8}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField2}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField3}}. (success)
    Please enter a valid {{field.SubField4}} (MM/DD/YYYY). (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField5}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField11}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField12}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField6}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField7}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField8}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField1}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.SubField2}}. (success)
    Please enter a {{field.Name.replace('dd/mm/yyyy','')}}.

    Patient Photo {{(field.Settings[0].Options[6].Name=='Required' && field.Settings[0].Options[6].Value == true ? '*' : '')}}

    Take a selfie or upload a headshot of your self.
    Re-capture photo

    {{field.Name}} {{(field.Settings[0].Options[5].Name=='Required' && field.Settings[0].Options[5].Value == true ? '*' : '')}}

    Re-capture photo

Need help completing this form? Contact Us

Select a Language

  • english
  • spanish

Forms Completed!

You have succesfully completed the patient forms that
we needed, we look foward to seeing you soon!


Form Name


Date Completed

{{CurrDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

Error :Please try again.

Error :DOB is in wrong format correct it, try again..
Medication Required

select a medication to continue.

Select Patient

Patient Name E-mail
{{spd.FName}} {{spd.LName}}

